How much is your data worth?
We can help you to discover the information behind your data.
Information has value only if it’s connected to your business goals.
Become a data informed organisation, using data supported strategies.
Follow your sole instinct to guide your entire organisation.
How to see the future with our end to end data services?
Our plan to transform your company into a data informed organization.

1. Unify: We examine your sources of data, then we identify its value, clean, standardize, organize and create an unified database that will eventually become the single version of the truth for the whole organisation.
2. Describe: Using all the consolidated sources of your data we describe your company, giving your departments useful visualizations a crystal clear view of their daily operations. We save you all the time wasted on routinary and boring reports and expand the executive's perspective immediately.
3. Prescribe: Understanding your data and the behaviors behind it we’ll imagine the changes that will provoke a major impact on your business. We carefully design experiments to test our hypothesis and review the results. Incrementally adjusting your company machinery using this data.
4. Predict: Once we have learned and understood the past we will be able to predict the future, thus the goal is to create an automated crystal ball that allows us to predict sales and react whenever the market is about to change.
5. Automate: Last but not least, our prediction machine has to be adjusted to act as fast as possible, permanently supporting tomorrow's decisions or acting by itself under your supervision.
Enhance your data with Mexico's public information
As we did with our country Data we can do it with your company’s data.
Add 488 potential variables for your data.
Economic census
68 variables
Population census
180 variables
Additional sources
240 variables
We reproduced the most important sociodemographic indexes and connect them to your data.
We analyze geolocated data and build immense databases with the history of your organization.
Financial Data?
We are experts!
It is a non-profit organization where we create and disseminate events that promote technology that brings the financial world into the hands of the population, because we believe that the future is in the creative clash of technology and the financial world. We are the meeting point where those interested in Fintech share knowledge and form alliances.
We also support companies and startups in the development of their projects.
We discuss topics like: blockchain, bitcoin against other cryptocurrencies, Fintech law and more.
Our technologies
Business intelligence stack:
Microsoft, Pentaho, Apache
Oracle, Postgres, MYSQL, SQL
Power BI Tableau, Superset
Statistic analysis:
R, Python
Geospatial analysis:
ArcGis, Postgres, Maps
Programming languages:
Python, Java, PHP Scala, Erlang.
Satisfied customers